Nesses momentos de convivencia trago ao grupo a minha visao sobre o ser capoerista, E que precisamos a cada momentos pensar a capoeira de forma positiva. Elevando nosos ideias de convivencia , afim de reavalizar nos tempos de hoje pensamentos que se valorize as raizes da capoeira angola pensando e conservando valores herdados por um povo que precisa a cada momento ser lembrado a quem esteja praticando usufluindo de momentos deixados por eles. Pensar capoeira Angola e tambem pensar em toda trajetoria deixada por pessoas que apenas queria ser livre com suas ideias. A cultura ou a arte nao pode ser de forma agulma desenvolvida sem o plena reflexao desses valores deixado por pessoas que trouseram seus ensinamentos filosofico e cultural. Ser capoeristas nos tempos de hoje nao depende do lugar e sim de atitudes de quem a pratica. Sr branco e tambem saber que faz algo em que sofre a todos tempos restricoes.
In these moments of coexistence I bring to the group my vision about being capoerista, And that we need every moment to think about capoeira in a positive way. Raising our ideas of coexistence, in order to reevaluate in today's times thoughts that value the roots of capoeira angola thinking and conserving values inherited by a people that needs to be reminded to those who are practicing enjoying moments left by them. Think capoeira Angola and also think of all the trajectory left by people who just wanted to be free with their ideas. Culture or art cannot be developed without the full reflection of these values left by people who have brought their philosophical and cultural teachings. Being capoeristas these days does not depend on the place but on the attitudes of those who practice it. Mr White and also know that you do something in which you suffer at all times constraints.
In these moments of coexistence I bring to the group my vision about being capoerista, And that we need every moment to think about capoeira in a positive way. Raising our ideas of coexistence, in order to reevaluate in today's times thoughts that value the roots of capoeira angola thinking and conserving values inherited by a people that needs to be reminded to those who are practicing enjoying moments left by them. Think capoeira Angola and also think of all the trajectory left by people who just wanted to be free with their ideas. Culture or art cannot be developed without the full reflection of these values left by people who have brought their philosophical and cultural teachings. Being capoeristas these days does not depend on the place but on the attitudes of those who practice it. Mr White and also know that you do something in which you suffer at all times constraints.
Pensar como comunidade em que nos quilombos repartimos tudo entre as pessoas e sabemos que na cultural europeia isso normalmente nao a contece porque foram criados de formas diferente e a capoeira proporciona este momento de trocas. Ao mesmo tempo mostra a estes praticantes de capoeira que comeca a pertecer a uma comunidade solitaria ao outro este endimento comeca a ser feito deste o momento que e passado aos praticantes este valor comunitario que pertecem a capoeira Angola. Queremos sim que a capoeira continui sendo um veiculo de transformacoes de pessoas que a buscam de forma objetivas afim vivemos dentro de uma roda e esta proporciona vivenciar a cada momento esse lado que eu comeco quando o outro termina buscando entender que esse lado de troca acontece de forma conjunta e coletiva. A cada momento vimos o outro de forma do dialogo formal nao o dialogo competitivo, queremos a cada momento mostrar que atraves da capoeira angola essas pessoas podem aprender alem da pratica a sua vivencia com o outro.ou seja cantando, tocando, jogando sorrindo gritando e aprendemos a lidar com os seus proprios limites, descobrindo nela uma forma de estravagar toda uma furia de desprezo que a sociedade proporciona na sua vida seja vivencia de um crima que nao favorece a falta de companherismo, a solidariedade em geral.
Think of the community in which quilombos share everything between people and we know that in European culture this usually does not contain it because they were created differently and capoeira provides this moment of exchange. At the same time it shows to these capoeira practitioners that it begins to belong to a solitary community to the other. This endeavor begins to be made from this moment that is passed to the practitioners this community value that pertains to capoeira Angola. We want that capoeira continues to be a vehicle of transformations of people who seek it objectively so we live inside a wheel and this provides experience at each moment that side that I start when the other ends trying to understand that this side of exchange happens from joint and collective form. At each moment we see each other in the form of the formal dialogue not the competitive dialogue, we want to show at each moment that through capoeira angola these people can learn beyond practice their experience with each other.or singing, playing, playing smiling screaming and We have learned to deal with its own limits, discovering in it a way to stifle a whole fury of contempt that society provides in its life is a living of a cry that does not favor the lack of companionship, solidarity in general.
Think of the community in which quilombos share everything between people and we know that in European culture this usually does not contain it because they were created differently and capoeira provides this moment of exchange. At the same time it shows to these capoeira practitioners that it begins to belong to a solitary community to the other. This endeavor begins to be made from this moment that is passed to the practitioners this community value that pertains to capoeira Angola. We want that capoeira continues to be a vehicle of transformations of people who seek it objectively so we live inside a wheel and this provides experience at each moment that side that I start when the other ends trying to understand that this side of exchange happens from joint and collective form. At each moment we see each other in the form of the formal dialogue not the competitive dialogue, we want to show at each moment that through capoeira angola these people can learn beyond practice their experience with each other.or singing, playing, playing smiling screaming and We have learned to deal with its own limits, discovering in it a way to stifle a whole fury of contempt that society provides in its life is a living of a cry that does not favor the lack of companionship, solidarity in general.
Pensar os movimentos de forma de perguntas e respostas em que nao existe nesse momento a intencao de perversidade corporal nem mental mas sim uma troca de perguntas e respostas, em que a qualquer momento pode ser surpreeendido pelo outro. A expressao e individual e cada pessoa pode pensar saindo de um movimento de jogo simbolico e teatral em que a intencao muitas vezes sao surpreendida por uma troca de saberes.
To think of the movements of the form of questions and answers in which there is no intention at this time of body or mental perversity but an exchange of questions and answers, which at any moment can be surprised by the other. Expression is individual and each person can think out of a symbolic and theatrical play movement in which the intention is often surprised by an exchange of knowledge.
To think of the movements of the form of questions and answers in which there is no intention at this time of body or mental perversity but an exchange of questions and answers, which at any moment can be surprised by the other. Expression is individual and each person can think out of a symbolic and theatrical play movement in which the intention is often surprised by an exchange of knowledge.
Filosoficamente pensar refletir e elaborar, e execultar utilizando o lado espreciso e teatral do fazer acontecer as perguntas e respostas da criacao do jogar e dancar nesse movimento circulatorio.
Philosophically, to think reflect and elaborate, and to perform using the precise and theatrical side of making happen the questions and answers of the creation of the play and dance in this circulatory movement.
Philosophically, to think reflect and elaborate, and to perform using the precise and theatrical side of making happen the questions and answers of the creation of the play and dance in this circulatory movement.
Quero pensar elaborar mas o outro neste momento nao me deixa quieto e faz com que meus pensamentos me faca me destriar de minhas ideias do fazer. A capoeira Angola e um veiculo de muitos inigmas percepcao teatral e poetica equilibrando valores praticos e mentais do fazer
I want to think elaborate but the other at this moment does not leave me alone and makes my thoughts make me derail my ideas of doing. Capoeira Angola is a vehicle of many inquisitive theatrical and poetic perceptions balancing the practical and mental values of doing
Na africa a roda representa concentracao de energia e onde todos estao voltado aotro tirando ou colocando toda itimidade de valores e timedez, e o lugar de encontro de energias no circulo buscamos o os nossos equilibrios pra que possamos dentro desta roda buscar nososo proprias alto estimas.
In Africa the wheel represents concentration of energy and where everyone is facing each other taking or placing all the intimacy of values and timidity, and the place of meeting of energies in the circle we seek our balances so that we can within this wheel seek our own high esteem.
In Africa the wheel represents concentration of energy and where everyone is facing each other taking or placing all the intimacy of values and timidity, and the place of meeting of energies in the circle we seek our balances so that we can within this wheel seek our own high esteem.
At each moment in the trajectory of making people meet capoeira Angola, we seek through body dialogue an even greater harmony by trying to understand that the exchange of ideas is also caused by the conversation of the wheel of life. .
O instrumento eleva a pessoa a um jeito de pensar a musica a um valor musical ao qual nao se conhecia e por tocar um ritimo simples de um dois ou tres, a pessoa pode perceber que pode alcancar conteudo melhor esperimentando um jeito de cantar diferente e quando e descoberto esta coisa verificamos que o valor pelo canto acontece naturalmente.
The instrument elevates the person to a way of thinking music to a musical value that was not known and by playing a simple rhythm of one or three, one can realize that one can achieve better content by experimenting with a different way of singing and when and discovered this thing we find that the value for singing happens naturally.
The instrument elevates the person to a way of thinking music to a musical value that was not known and by playing a simple rhythm of one or three, one can realize that one can achieve better content by experimenting with a different way of singing and when and discovered this thing we find that the value for singing happens naturally.
We all seek interactions based on the set of
ideas exchanged not only bodily
but also discussing food issues.
ideas exchanged not only bodily
but also discussing food issues.
This round up was held at some moments that the group was discussing this way to go and then through many conversations and many meetings was where comes this desire to do a joint work together. They embraced the idea of doing capoeira Angola differently. of the ones they had seen. And for me it was a great satisfaction to integrate them into our group life.
E um grupo muito novo de capoeira mas que tenta buscar aprender a capoeira de forma diferente. Nos dias de hoje nao encontramos mas capoeristas comprometidos com a capoeira Angola enquanto família, e sim capoeiristas querendo transformar a capoeira em um modelo de raiz que nao se encaixa com a arte da capoeira Angola vivida por muitos mestres antigos. Então no mês de junho 2014 eu voltei a este lugar pra que agente pudesse cada vês mas estar juntos - falar, pensar, refletir, se colocar, estudar, vadiar, tocar, preencher de ideias e sentimentos e vivenciar os conhecimentos de cada um. "Ninguem faz do meu jeito mas eu tento fazer do jeito de cada" um avaliando os ganhos e as perdas.
It is a very young capoeira group that tries to learn capoeira differently. These days we do not find but capoerists committed to capoeira Angola as a family, but capoeira artists wanting to turn capoeira into a root model that does not fit the art of capoeira Angola lived by many ancient masters. So in the month of June 2014 I came back to this place so that the agent could each time but be together - talk, think, reflect, put, study, loaf, touch, fill ideas and feelings and experience each other's knowledge. "No one does it my way but I try to do it each way" by assessing the gains and losses.
It is a very young capoeira group that tries to learn capoeira differently. These days we do not find but capoerists committed to capoeira Angola as a family, but capoeira artists wanting to turn capoeira into a root model that does not fit the art of capoeira Angola lived by many ancient masters. So in the month of June 2014 I came back to this place so that the agent could each time but be together - talk, think, reflect, put, study, loaf, touch, fill ideas and feelings and experience each other's knowledge. "No one does it my way but I try to do it each way" by assessing the gains and losses.